Great arguments in it, not so great execution. An advertising executive goes insane trying to sell a pimple cream and ends up growing a talking boil. He realizes whats wrong in the world, how advertising controls the world. He wants to stop it, devote his life to waking people up. Then the boil takes over. This is really a great film, along the lines of Bowling for Columbine. Ha, I just realized the pun in the title, a head. There is a great argument in the film about the difference between cars and trains. The reformed ad executive wants to give people trains. The boil is appalled. It really is a great metaphor, for socialism vs capitalism. I want to screen this, I want to do a series on advertising and the media. This would seem to be a great launching off point.
1313 quick reviews and impressions of every movie I've watched since 2002.